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Kenneth Swanner

Began with Testify February 5, 1995, Founder

Full Name:  Kenneth Tyson Swanner
Date of Birth:  July 1, 1968
Siblings:  Michael & Brent
Birthplace:  Frederick, OK
Hometown:  West Monroe, LA
Spouse:  Tess Swanner
Anniversary:  December 6, 1997
Children:  Blake Tyson, February 6, 2002;  Brady Cole, April 11, 2005
Parent's Names:  Bobby & Carolyn Swanner

Kenneth traveled with the Continental Singers for two years and served as a youth and music minister at various churches in North Louisiana  In February 1995 Brent and Kenneth answered the call to start Testify and sing together.


Favorite food:  Pork Chops
Favorite restaurant:  BBQ West, West Monroe, LA
Favorite colors:  Green & Gray
Favorite store:  Bass Pro Shop
Favorite hobbies:  Fishing, Reading John Grisham novels, and collecting sports stuff
Favorite singers:  David Phelps and Guy Penrod
Favorite group:  Old Imperials: Russ Taff era
Favorite TV show:  Wings and Survivor
What would you be if you weren't a recording artist?  Bass fisherman
Person who influenced you the most:  My parents who taught me the importance of putting Jesus first. 

Kenneth's Photos


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